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Convocatoria abierta VERTIGO STARTS 2017 Programa de residencias artísticas

¿Eres Artista o perteneces a un colectivo? Manda tu propuesta al programa de residencias artísticas de VERTIGO y obtén una subvención de hasta 30.000 € para colaborar en  un proyecto de I+D que impulse las nuevas tecnologías.

La convocatoria está abierta hasta el 22

La residencia comienza en septiembre de 2017. 


Are you an artist or an artistic collective?

Apply for a grant to collaborate on an R&I project and access emerging technologies to produce an original artwork

VERTIGO is funded under the H2020 European STARTS initiative, Innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology, and the ARTS. 
(S+T)*ARTS = STARTS promotes the arts as catalysts for efficient conversion of science and technology knowledge into products, services, and processes. 

VERTIGO organizes 45 artistic residencies over a 3-year period in order to create new synergies between artistic communities, cultural institutions and innovation stakeholders.Artists, accompanied by a producer, choose the R&I project they want to collaborate with from a list of available projects. 

The VERTIGO STARTS residency will provide the opportunity to contribute with a holistic innovative view over technologically driven projects.

Apply to: 
>  COLLABORATE on a R&I project
>  CONTRIBUTE to the innovative aspect of the R&I project
>  OBTAIN support for commissioned works 
>  BENEFIT from the exposure of a unique cultural network